In a seminal segmentation study, Schoham and Kable (1996) went one step further by subdividing and analyzing these two traditional categories. Within the two categories, they identified three communication communities and three consumption communities. The first consumption community includes those who engage in competitive sports (either team or individual), the second includes those who participate in fitness sports (e.g., jogging), and the third includes those who participate in nature-related sports (e.g., fishing). Communication communities include those who attend live sport events spectators), those who watch sports on television (viewers), and those who read sports magazines (readers). Through analysis of a consumer survey, Shoaham and Kahle found that members of different consumption communities tend to belong to different communication communities.
Principles of Sports Marketing: Trends, Ethics and Laws
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Principles of Sports Marketing: Trends, Ethics and Laws
1st ed.
Cyber Tech Publications, 2011
296p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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