Here is a collection of musical compositions in Sanskrit on Lord Rama, arranged in the alphabetical order, with transliteration, word-for-word translation into English and summary of the compositions. The word Sanskrit means made perfect, refined, polished and cultivated. This language was known as divine language even in Vedic times. Western scholars, who have made a deep study of Greek, Latin and other ancient languages came to the conclusion that Sanskrit language is the most ancient language of humanity. Almost all great music composers were scholars in Sanskrit in addition to other regional languages. Art does not lose relevance to our life. It is incarnate thought. The great musicians have given utterances to dumb feelings and voiceless ideas. Music portrays the joys and sorrows of life, its ups and downs, the agony of aspiration, the ecstasy of fulfillment of lost love. The author of this work, Dr. Sarasvati Mohan was chosen to tread on a new path of picking up gems of Sanskrit compositions on Lord Rama. A garland of such Sanskrit music compositions is a fitting offering at the holy feet of the Lord. The word for word translation, transliteration and summary of the contents will go a long way in understanding not only the beauty of the language and diction but also enjoy the rasas of ragas and the moods.
Rama Songs in Sanskrit
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