For the last couple of years it has been repeatedly said that teacher education curriculum was too theoretical and there seemed to be hardly any relevance of studying foundation courses more specifically the philosophical and sociological foundations because such academic learning rarely connected with development of expertise in teaching. This undercurrent feeling has made the Foundation courses just ornamental within the framework of pre-service teacher education curriculum if not at theoretical level at least in practice. The present book provides enough arguments based on empirical evidence to contest the twin popular views of considering the teacher education curriculum as too theoretical and the foundation courses have little relevance. The book has tried to trace the relevance of philosophical and sociological foundations for teachers in the present scenario. It presents the consumer’ point of view about the role and relevance of foundation courses. In the last chapter of the book a conceptual model for vitalizing foundation courses is also proposed. It is hoped that this will be of special interest for those teacher educators who are teaching foundation courses. I am sure the book will be worth reading for any one who is interested in teacher education and expect that it will generate some heat among the teacher educators and curriculum designers to initiate a fresh discussion on the nature, structure and relevance of Foundation courses in teacher preparation programmes of the present as well as of future.
Re-Exploring Foundations of Teacher Education: A Case for Philosophical and Sociological Foundations
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Re-Exploring Foundations of Teacher Education: A Case for Philosophical and Sociological Foundations
1st ed.
vii+106p., Tables; Bibliography; Appendix; Index; 23cm.
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