Readings on Governance and Development (Vol. II)

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Experiences of democratic governance in developing countries have yielded mixed results. Expectations of the masses often remain unmet, which add fuel to social discontent. Problems are often seen especially in the institutions, mechanism and process of governance. This has necessitated collective actions, discussions and debates to improve the situation. This publication is an attempt to discuss and add new value and meaning to the debate and dialogue on governance. Contributors who have written articles for this volume are renowned academicians and personalities who have made significant contributions in the realm of public policy formulation, analysis and development. The articles not only bring some of Nepal’s problems to the fore but also hint at how these could be addressed. This publication will prove to be an essential reading for those who have an interest on governance and development.


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Readings on Governance and Development (Vol. II)
1st ed.
viii+130p., Figures; Map; 26cm.