Records of the Zoological Survey of India : Faunal Diversity of Aquatic Insects in Freshwater Wetlands of South Eastern West Bengal

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Born in 1937 at West Bengal, India, Dr. Lakshmi Kanta Ghosh (Dr.) L.K. Ghosh) had his education at the University of Calcutta.  He started his research (1963) in Sericulture at the Central Sericultural Research Stn., Berhampore, W.B. and subsequently as Research Scholar (1965) at Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta where he actively carried out research for 30 years on hemipteran Insects w.s.r. TO Indian aphids.  He retired as Deputy Director from Z.S.I. in 1965 and later worked as Emeritus Scientist there for 3 1/2 years.  He has been awarded D. Sc. Degree for significant contribution on Indian aphids.  Though his primary interest lies on Aphids but he worked also on various other groups of hemipteran insects.  He has so far published nearly 150 research publications to his credit, including Monographic, Revisionary works on aphids and multiauthored contributions on Indian Hemiptera under State Fauna Series, edited by Director, Z.S.I.  His current interest includes Biodiversity of Indian Insects under Academy of Biodiversity Conservation (Regd.) where he is acting as founder president.  He acted as Vice-President of the Aphidological Society, India for the past 7 years.  A member of several scientific Societies, dr. Ghosh is also actively engaged in Post Graduate teaching (Entomology) and acting an external examiner of P.G. standard and panel examiner for Ph.D. degree in Indian universities.  He is recipient of congress of Zoology Gold Medal (2004), Zoological Society of India.


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Records of the Zoological Survey of India : Faunal Diversity of Aquatic Insects in Freshwater Wetlands of South Eastern West Bengal
1st Ed.
104 p., Figs.; Tables