Reproductive Health Awareness Among the Tribal Women in Manipur

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This book makes a comprehensive study of the reproductive health awareness among the tribal women in Manipur, with special reference to Churachandpur district. Drawing a profile of the tribal women in the district of Churacghandpur, it examines the socio-cultural factors influencing their reproductive health. It also takes stock of the educational and heath services rendered by the Christian missionaries as well as their role in enhancing women awareness about reproductive health. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rose Nembiakkim

Rose Nembiakkim did her post-graduation in Social Work from the University of Delhi and M.Phil from the centre for Social Medicine and Communication health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Presently, she is a lecturer in Staff Training and research Institute of Distance Education (STRIDE), Ondiora Gandhi national Open University. Earlier, Rose Nembiakkim was a lecturer in Social Work at the university of Delhi. She has also worked as a project Officer with Sangini (India) trust. She has co-edited a book, titled legal Rights of Sexual Minority, Published by the Sangini (India) trust. 


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Reproductive Health Awareness Among the Tribal Women in Manipur
1st ed.
118p., Tables; Figures; Maps; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.