From the introduction: "The present volume is the first of the series of Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants comprising 60 plant genera comprising 223 species from Abelmoschus – Allemanda.
The monographs cover largely the studies on Indian Medicinal Plants conducted by scientists in Indian Institutions and published in National and International Journals. At places work done by Indian scientists in collaboration with foreign laboratories or carried out exclusively in foreign laboratories has also been covered. Citations of foreign scientists and the work carried out abroad have been made wherever it was found relevant to the text. Plants imported in India have not been included. The plants Achras zapota and Agati species have not been included due to change of nomenclature status of the plant species to Manilkara zapota and Sesbania species, respectively.
The sources of information included survey of published literature including primary, secondary and tertiary sources, besides the literature made available by various scientists, academicians, medical colleges, research institutions and universities involved in activities related to medicinal plants/indigenous system of medicine.
The monographs contain a wide spectrum of information under major heads viz., general information, pharmacognostic, chemical, pharmacological/biological, clinical and toxicological studies with complete references of the work cited. Some additional references, which could be of relevance have also been included. Colour photographs of important plants, which could be procured from different sources, have also been incorporated. At the end are given various appendices and indices."
Contents: 1. Abelmoschus. 2. Abies. 3. Abrus. 4. Abutilon. 5. Acacia. 6. Acalypha. 7. Acampe. 8. Acanthopanax. 9. Acanthospermum. 10. Acanthus. 11. Acer. 12. Achillea. 13. Achyranthes. 14. Aconitum. 15. Acorus. 16. Acrocarpus. 17. Acrocephalus. 18. Acronychia. 19. Acrostichum. 20. Actaea. 21. Actiniopteris. 22. Actinodaphne. 23. Adansonia. 24. Adelocaryum. 25. Adenanthera. 26. Adenia. 27. Adenocalymma. 28. Adenostemma. 29. Adhatoda. 30. Adiantum. 31. Adina. 32. Adonis. 33. Aegiceras. 34. Aeginetia. 35. Aegle. 36. Aerides. 37. Aerva. 38. Aeschynomene. 39. Aesculus. 40. Aganosma. 41. Agapetes. 42. Agave. 43. Ageratina. 44. Ageratum. 45. Aglaia. 46. Agrimonia. 47. Agrostophyllum. 48. Agyneia. 49. Ailanthus. 50. Ainsliaea. 51. Aisandra. 52. Ajuga. 53. Alangium. 54. Albizia. 55. Alcea. 56. Alectra. 57. Aleurites. 58. Alhagi. 59. Alisma. 60. Allemanda. Appendices. Indices.
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