Rise and Fall of BJP Government

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After 52 years of Independence instead of consolidation of political ideology in our country it is an irony of fate that the number of National Political Parties is decreasing and the number of Regional Political Parties is increasing. Our destiny makers change their loyalties over night. The political parties do not waste any time to drift from the aims and objectives and even from their constitution to have alliance with such political forces with whom they oppose and quarrel tooth and nail, just to grab power. The politics of the country has been converted into a game of sheer opportunism. This has resulted that India has been numbered as one of the most corrupt nations on the earth. The middle class have been mostly shy of democracy, but what is frightening is that the mass of people are losing confidence in the political process, parties and governments. Rise and Fall of BJP Government is compilation of facts and figures recording day to day functioning of the party, representatives and the role and fate of coalition government. The information, grouped in two chapters viz. Jan Sangh Days and BJP (a brief study of its performance-1951-1997): and A Study of Coalition Government at the Centre (March-June 1998) is presented in chronological order.


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Rise and Fall of BJP Government
1st ed.
xii+327p., 23cm.