River Ecology

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This book gives a comprehensive account of the biology and ecology of rivers. It has chapters dealing with the physical properties of rivers; interaction of river water with ground water; presence of viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, higher plants and animals in rivers; downstream gradients in river and the type of fish; fishes of swamp and marsh; food webs in rivers; physical and chemical properties of the habitats like visible radiations, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, pH, sediments, current and temperature affecting the ecology of water, the flora and the fauna; the flood in rivers; hydroelectric power; biomonitor of water; water pollution; and control of water pollution. Each topic is illustrated with line drawings. The book would help in promoting ecological understanding of structure and functioning of river ecosystem and getting insights to assess and minimize negative human aspect on the integrity of river ecosystem. The book provides the basic knowledge to evaluate the river and stream ecosystem for environmental protection and conservation issues and for assessing potential environmental impacts caused by pollution, structural deficits, introduced species, flood prevention, construction measures, hydroelectric reservoirs, etc.


Dr. S.C. Agrawal, the author of the book on "Diseases of Pigeonpea' is Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) and Dean, JNKVV, R.A.K. College of Agriculture, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India. He did his M.Sc. Ag. In Plant Pathology from Vikram University, Ujjain in 1963 and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from J.N. Krishi Vishwa Vidhalaya, Jabalpur in 1985. He has put more than 38 years off experience of teaching, research and extension work in various capacities of which 31 years have been devoted to research on diseases of pulse crops, specially pigeonpea, lentil, chickpea, mungbean and urdbean. Dr. Agrawal has published more than 100 research papers in national and international journals, nine book chapters/review papers, three bibliographies, three technical bulletins and several extension articles. He is author of two books, Diseases of greengram and blackgram and Diseases of lentil. He has guided several post-graduate students for their thesis work and has presented more than 60 research papers in national and international symposia/seminars/workshops/conferences etc. Dr. Agrawal has contributed substantially in releasing disease resistant and high yielding varieties of pulse crops like JG 11, JG 16, JG 130, JAKI 9218 of chickpea, JL 3 of lentil and JA 4 of pigeonpea. He is the life member of Indian Phytopathological Society. New Delhi and regular member of several scientific societies specially Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development, Kanpur; Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur; Plant Protection Association of India etc. Dr. Agrawal has been honoured by the “ISPRD Recongnition Award 2001” for his outstanding contribution in the field of pulses research and development. He is the member of several committees of national level and is a well known Pulse Pathologist of the country. His work on diseases of pigeonpea and lentil is well recognized.


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River Ecology
1st ed.
xii+419p., Reference; Index.