The present collection, consisting of 20 short stories, published originally in various popular magazines and literary journals, portrays a wide world of rural and urban people, of simple people with cunning exploiters, of cheats and pickpockets, and of corrupt practices behind altruistic activities. It depicts too the world of women-submissive and suppressed, but also courageous and vindictive ones capable of turning the world upside down.
By using subtle irony, sharp wit, exaggerated accounts, startling puns, comic similes and odd metaphors, interesting dialogues and repartees, funny characterization and caricature, rollicking humour and stinging satire, Srivastava provides memorable pictures of ugly realities behind captivating façade, unmasking the devils who lurk behind angelic faces.
The stories grip the reader with spell-binding narrative and ever-present suspense which irresistibly move the reader to go on till their startling conclusions.
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