Poverty in India considered predominantly as a rural phenomenon can be tackled not only by raising the level of total rural income but more by redistribution of rising rural income. The focus of this book is on distribution of rural incomes considered as one intricately linked with creation of mandays in productive works and employing rural workers by both the number of persons employed and mandays. Employability of the workers available in India’s rural economy may be linked not only with the skill of the workers but also on the employment generating ability of the productive assets created initially by the workers engaged initially. As analysed in this book, food security is a corollary of work security. Hence, the book focuses on food for work scheme of the Government of India that aims at providing additional wage employment and food security in rural areas along with the creation of durable community, social and infrastructure. For the empirical base of the study, the book relies on the scenario in Uttar Pradesh. Based on the limited observations, the book suggests that rural employment guarantee is a step in the right direction for productive uplift of the rural income–poor people in India.
Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: A Focus on Food For Work
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Rural Non-Farm Employment in India: A Focus on Food For Work
1st ed.
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