Every one in this world longs for a long, healthy, happy and peaceful life. But it is not possible on his part to be blessed with them without knowing himself both from the biochemical and philosophical points of view. "Atmanam Viddhi" or "know thyself" is the goal of mankind. With these points in view attempts have been made in this book to show how one has to select balanced food, how they are digested, absorbed and utilized for growth and for yielding heat and energy i.e., capacity for doing work. Discussions have also been made as to how by following philosophical gospels one can regulate the excess secretion of a compound called ‘adrenaline’ a hormone, the flow of which increases during the time of fear, anger, anxiety or any other vicious state of mind to do harm to others. Some one feels that scientists have no faith in religion or in the existence of the Almighty. But it is not true. The world famous scientist like Albert Einstein, a physicist and Nobel Laureate was a true philosopher too. He said "Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind." A true scientist, who succeeds in revealing truths already existing in Nature, cannot but think of a Super scientist or Super-engineer. This book will not only benefit the common man but will also be of great help to those students, who will study Biochemistry under various faculties such as science, medicine, home-science, pharmacy and veterinary sciences.

Science and Philosophy of Life
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Science and Philosophy of Life
1st ed.
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