The country is passing through major economic developments with liberalisation and globalisation of the economy. The universities are also expanding their territorial boundaries through distance education. In all these areas, quality assurance has become a major focus. There is great demand for expansion of higher secondary education on account increasing expansion of primary and secondary education and rising social expectations. Consequently, emphasis has been on the removal of disparities and to equalise educational opportunities attending to the specific needs to those who have been denied equality so far. Secondary education has its importance in the national development as it provides large skilled manpower for the economy and prepares for higher, technical and professional education. It is the stage where a proper understanding of work ethos and values of a humane and composite culture is provided to future citizens of the country. The present book is an authentic in-depth analysis of contemporary situations, progress and challenges in the field of secondary education.
Secondary Education
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Secondary Education
1st Ed.
viii+414p., 23cm
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