Self-Financing in Higher Education: Prospects and Retrospects

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This project is an attempt to discuss and deliberate on various dimensions of self-financing in higher education. The need of education for preparing human beings for living is undeniable. The way of imparting education has been changing continuously. The socio-political and global initiatives have been impinging upon the quality and quantum aspects of education. Media and information technology have contributed no less to these aspects. The awareness towards need for educating the progeny has never been that intense as it is today. Consequently, the exponential demand for education in disciplines which have natural heritage and knowledge that has groomed abroad in new fields resulted in multiplication of several branches of higher education. To need these challenges, the Government of India has made sincere efforts in pursuance of National Education Policy in education sector.

The recent phenomenon of self-financing educational institutions, have been facilitated by the several factors like, low access rate i.e. 7 percent. Indian system of higher education, in spite of being one the largest system of higher education of the world, uneven quality of education, rigidity of conventional university system and its unwillingness to innovate and change, intense need for education commensurate to world class standards due to globalization and shift in government’s priority for education resulting in curtailed outlay for higher education.


Dr. Maya Shankar Singh is working as a Principal of Digvijainath P.G. College, Gorakhpur (U.P.) previously Dr. Singh was working as a Sr. Reader in Department of Education of Handia P.G. College, Handia (U.P.) since 30 years. He has been participated near about 100 national and international seminar, symposium and Workshops till now. He has more than 75 published papers in national and international journals.


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Self-Financing in Higher Education: Prospects and Retrospects
1st ed.
170p., Index; 23cm.