In this edition once again the system adopted in the first edition has been adopted. I have given the most useful potency for each mixture and also its dosage. This was done due to popular demand by all practitioners to give potency for each mixture. In spite of this I would again say that these mixtures can be prepared in any potency and they will be found as useful as in the potency given in the book. In my Monday Charitable Clinic I do not have scope for any other potency except the 200 potency and I find them very effective. Every Physician has to use his own judgement for the selection of potency for each patient. As a guideline I would suggest lower potency for acute cases, middle potency for sub-acute cases and higher potency in chronic cases. Results obtained with the mixtures are most welcome from practitioners.
Septenate Mixtures in Homoeopathy
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Septenate Mixtures in Homoeopathy
3rd ed.
Firma KLM Private Ltd., 1999
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