Sikkim: Perspectives for Planning and Development

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Himalaya is one of the youngest and greatest mountain systems of the world stretching almost 3200 km east-west. Sikkim Situated in the eastern Himalaya became the 22nd state of India in 1975. It is a small state having hilly terrain spread over 7096 km2 with elevation ranging from 250 to 8595 m above msl. There are 440 villages, 8 towns, and 4 districts with a poulation of 406457 as recorded in 1991. Four major ethnic groups of people namely Lepchas, Bhutias, Nepalese and Limbus live in Sikkim. The climate of the state varies from cold temperate and alpine in the north and north-east to subtropical in the south more dependent on the altitude. The main occupation of the people is farming and only 12 per cent of the land is available of cultivation. Nearly 6000 species of plants are found here and is a hot spot for both floral and faunal diversity. The net state domestic product of Sikkim at constant prices increased by 3 times from 1981 to 1991 and per capita income doubled during the period. Sustainable development in Sikkim could be achieved by focusing the improvement of the quality of livelihood options of households by harnessing local mountain niches which are compatible with the mountain specifications. In order to do this our knowledge on all aspects of development has to be sound and we have tried to put together most of the information that are available in Sikkim in this publication. We expect that this edited volume can be used as a core document in sound planning for development as we march towards the 21st century. This book has been chapterized into seven thematic sections and also with a section on selected bibliography for Sikkim. There are 53 articles under (i) physical background, (ii) culture, socio-politics and education, (iii) resource status and biodiversity, (iv) agriculture, animal husbandry and horticulture, (v) energy, health, food and economy, (vi) ecology and environment, and (vii) perspective planning and industry. These articles are contributed by specialists from the state and outside who have worked in Sikkim.


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Sikkim: Perspectives for Planning and Development
1st ed.
xix+716p., Tables.