Single Women: A Study of Spinsters

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Going through the pages of history, study of western and other literature and discussions with people in general, the author not only came across many cases of single women but could not trace the reasons of remaining single and their socio-economic conditions in different periods. On one hand, single women are emerging as a reality in our society and on the other they still have to confront various situations where they find the goings tough. The main objective of the book is to study such women who remain unmarried and lead a life of spinsters. This book authored by Dr. Ranjay Vardhan is based on empirical study carried out in the city of Chandigarh. The book discusses the causes of remaining spinster, their socio-economic profiles, consequences and their status in the present times. The readers will find it immensely useful as it clearly portrays the conditions of single women. This book will help in understanding that a woman after choosing to remain unmarried finds herself in a new world of challenges where she has to confront social, psychological, economic and other problems. She has to face stiff opposition from other quarters. However, owing to strong economic conditions; she feels independent and at ease. They are techno savvy women and are enjoying the Electronic Salad of I-Pods, Mobiles, Computers, DVDs, Laptops, MP3 Players and other electronic goods. The readers will find it immensely useful as it is one of the few studies on single women in India and will enrich research on women. This book will be of great use for academicians, researchers, women’s organizations, activists, policy makers, planners and also single women.


Dr. Ranjay Vardhan (b. 1969) is presently a member of Research Faculty of CRRID, Chandigarh. He did his Master’s in Sociology and subsequently Doctorate in Sociology in the field of Women’s studies from Panjab University, Chandigarh in 1996. In addition, he has done Certificate Course in French and German and Diploma in Persian language. He has been engaged in active Research and teaching as well as. He has been on the Visiting Faculty of College of Nursing, P.G.I. and Department of Mass Communication, Panjab University, Chandigarh. He has also taught at Post Graduation level at Department of Sociology, P.U., Chandigarh and at Graduation level at S.G.G.S., College, Chandigarh. Often quoted in newspapers and magazines as Sociologist, his Papers have been International and world Conferences on Women and Sociology in Germany, Australia, Canada and Norway. He has also presented papers in various National Seminars on Sociology, Women’s issues and Psychology. He was associated with P.U. Campus Reporter for four years and was instrumental for its entry in Limca book of Records. He has been awarded Gold Medal, Silver Medals, Trophies and has won many prizes for achievements in academic and extra mural activities. He has carved out a place for him in the field of social work. For his pioneering Social Work, he has been called as ‘Doctor Feelgood’ ‘Mr. Fixit’ and ‘Doctor Rehabilitation’ by media and also portrayed as “A Face in the Crowd”.


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Single Women: A Study of Spinsters
1st ed.
xx+160p., Tables.