Social Entrepreneurs: The Change Makers

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For ages, societies have been divided into two extremes – "Haves" and "Have Nots". At the community level, the segregation is into Low-Middle-High classes; at the economic level, it is Rich-poor communities; at the country level, it is developed, developing and underdeveloped economies and the divide goes on. Technology has developed by leaps and bounds, business has expanded ignoring the geographic barriers, and the facilities have augmented. Amid all these changes, the only thing that has remained unchanged is the poverty and economic deprivation. The Result: The rich become richer, the poor become poorer. Social entrepreneurship is an emerging school of thought with bridging societal gaps as its primary agenda. The book aims to understand the concept of social entrepreneurs. It is supported by experiences, success stories, views and opinions of the social entrepreneurs. It is a noble attempt to introduce to the community, this new group of people who are working hard towards the betterment of society to bring in a social change, despite the challenges and obstacles they come across. This single-sectioned book has eight chapters describing the modus operandi and the behavioral tendencies of the Social Entrepreneurs. The book introduces the SPEC MEC Model, which offers a deep, research-based insight into social entrepreneurs.


K B S Kumar holds a PGDBA (Finance) from the ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad; Masters degrees in personnel management and organizational psychology from Osmania and Annamalai University, respectively. At present he is working as a Consulting Editor at ICFAI Books, a division of the ICFAI University Press. He is also an adjunct faculty at ICFAI Business School. He contributed articles, case studies and book reviews on the topics of leadership, change management, and training and development to various publications of the ICFAI University Press such as Insurance Chronicle, Global CEO, HRM Review and Chartered Financial Analyst. He edited a few books also published by the ICFAI University Press. His areas of interest include communication, human psychology, leadership, emotional intelligence, and training and development.


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Social Entrepreneurs: The Change Makers
1st ed.