Climate Change will dramatically alter how we live and is already affecting the lives of the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people. In Soil Not Oil, bestselling author Vandana Shiva connects the food crisis, peak oil, and climate change to show that a world beyond a dependence on fossil fuel and globalization is both possible and necessary. Bold and visionary, Shiva reveals how three crises are inherently linked and that any attempt to solve one without addressing the others will get us nowhere. Condemning industrial agriculture and industrial biofuels as recipes for ecological and economic disaster, Shiva's champion is the small, independent farm. What we need most in a time of changing climates and millions hungry, she argues, are sustainable, biologically divers farms that are more resistant to diseases, drought, and flood. Calling for a return to local economies and small-scale food production, Shiva outlines our remaining options; a market-centred short-term escape for the privileged, which will deepen the crisis for the poor and marginalized, or a people-centred fossil-fuel-free future, which will offer a decent living for all.
Soil Not Oil: Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Food Insecurity
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Vandana Shiva is a world-renowned environmental thinker and activist. A leader in the International forum on Globalization (IFG) along with Ralph Nader and Jeremy Rifkin and the Slow Food movement. Shiva won the Alternative Nobel Prize (the Right Livelihood Award) in 1993. Director of Navdanya and the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy, she is the author and editor of many books, including Manifestos on the Future of Food & Seed (South End Press, 2007), Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, and Peace (South End Press, 2005), Globalization's New Wars: Seed, Water & Life Forms (Women Unlimited 2005), Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit (South End Press, 2002), Protect Plunder? Understanding intellectual Property Rights (Zed Books, 2001), Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply (South End Press, 2000), Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge (South End Press, 1997), Ecofeminism (co-authored with Maria Mies, Kali for Women, Zed Books, 1993), The Violence of the Green Revolution (Zed Books, 1992), and Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development in India (Kali for Women, 1988). Before becoming an activist, Vandana Shiva was one of India's leading physicists.
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Soil Not Oil: Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Food Insecurity
1st ed.
Women Unlimited, 2009
vi+156p., Tables; 21cm.
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