Statistical Methods of Social Sciences

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Statistics and statistical analyses have become a key feature of contemporary social science. Statistics is and has been perhaps most important in economics and psychology that have incorporated and relied primarily on statistical analyses as a method of argument for decades. Recently, the use of advanced statistical analyses have become popular among the "soft" social sciences such as political science, sociology and anthropology. The use of statistics has become so widespread in the social sciences that many top universities have developed institutes focusing on "quantitative social science. This book aims to develop the foundations of statistical thinking, and introduce the most important statistical models used in social science research. Topics covered include ideas of sampling and probability models, basic methods for inference about a population from a sample, and the use and interpretation of some common types of statistical model, including linear regression, logistic regression, long-linear models and hazard models. The book is written for graduate students and researchers in the social sciences seeking an introduction to statistical methods.


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Statistical Methods of Social Sciences
1st ed.