The present work is the next in the series on impact of STR (scientific and technological revolution) on society. The book argues that the constituent elements of the industrial order of things are dissolving under the diluting power of the electronics, in particular, the software.
With the ongoing dissolution of the machine and the tool, new questions are being posed about the nature of social development. The largest scales of capitalist means of production, ownership and production are threatened. Distinctive laws of capitalist mode of production are losing their operation one by one. Many of them are getting suspended. Features of an emerging post-capitalist order are discernable today. Primacy of production is lost, replaced by the production of information and images. Mode of production is being replaced by a mode of information. Industrial revolution and the structures created by it are being replaced by information revolution and its structures. A giant, historic transition is taking place from capitalism to post-capitalism.
The book re-examines all the basic concepts of capitalism: production, its mode, work, labour, value, commodity, worker and others. Capitalism is going beyond itself, losing classical identity. Scientific theory needs to be taken to new levels to interpret the new developments.
Anil Rajimwale is a former student leader who did his post-graduation in Botany, and then shifted to social and political activism. In the process he has developed a wide range of interest without giving up his academic work. He is the author of several and articles in the filed of ecology, politics, science and technology, Marxist and general theory and philosophy etc. Besides, he has written a large number of papers, booklets, reviews, project works etc. Among the notable works is his book on Man versus Ecology, published in 1991, articles and books on the scientific and technological revolution, histories/documents of student and labour movements, and others in the field of science, society and philosophy. He coordinated work of Joshi-Adhikari Institute of Social Studies. At present, associated with N.M. Joshi centre for labour education and research and Centre for Rural Worker’s Education. He also edited q quarterly theoretical journal Critique: A journal of critical theory. He has been documenting the history of labour movement in India. At present he is working on a multi-volume work dealing with the impact of new scientific and technological developments on theory, philosophy and society, particularly the relationship of new technology/Science and the postindustrial society.
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