India is a subcontinent having large coastal areas, hills and mountain, flat land with several rivers like Indus, Ganges, Tawi, Cauvery and Narmada flowing into its vast area. Here we have varied temperature complex-Temperate regions in Himalayas with warm tropical areas inj flat lands of U.P., M.P., Maharashtra, Karnataka etc. Therefore here we see plants of various types. The medicinal plants are sources of many biologically active constituents which one cannot ignore by modern Medical practice, due to the fact of having healing effects. Some of them show unknown features and complexity because of their active constituents which are difficult to prepare synthetically and excessive expensive viz. glycosides gunseng, ergot alkaloids etc. There are certain plant species like Solanum-which contain special constituents that cannot be applied directly for healing but are used as basic material for semi synthetic processes in pharmacological industry (viz. Corticosteriods).
Studies of Genetic-Complex of Ayurvedic Plants
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Studies of Genetic-Complex of Ayurvedic Plants
1st ed.
x+61p., Tables; References; 23cm.
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