Oilseeds constitute the second largest agricultural commodity in India after cereals accounting for nearly 5% of gross national product and 10% of the value of all agricultural products. Among the oilseeds, rapeseed-mustard group of crops occupies prominent position in the country contributing nearly 21.6% and 23.1% to the total oilseed cropped are and production, respectively. Rapessed-Mustard is the major source of income especiall7y even to the marginal and small farmers in rain fed areas. Because of low water requirement (8-240mm), these crops fit well in the rain fed cropping system. Despite the fact that India is one of the leading oilseed producing countries in the world, it is not able to meet the edible oil requirement for its vast population. The National Research centre on Rapessed-Mustard has been striving hard since its inception to further the causes of yellow revolution and upliftment of the resource-poor farmers in the country. it was thought prudent to have this monograph for imparting information about the advances in technology to enhance and sustain rapeseed-mustard productivity. The major objectives of writing the monograph were to share the experience of the teachers, researchers and extension personnel to chalk out an appropriate action-plan to break the stagnation in yield and also to raise awareness about the crop among the researchers from non-traditional areas, for possible horizontal expansion of the crop in the new niches. Further, India has about 11.65 million of rice fallows, of which nearly 10% lie in eastern and northeastern states. With vast diversity in rapessed-mustard, this group of crops offers enormous potential for utilization of such fallow lands. The contributors consisted of NRCRM staff as well scientists from SAUs and other research organizations. The book provides a platform to the researchers and research managers for effective interaction in the areas of crop improvement, natural resources management, crop protection, climate and crop planning technology dissemination, socio-economic issues data management, information & communication technology, trade & marketing and IPR in agricultural research related to oilseeds, especially rapessed-mustard.
Sustainable Production of Oilseeds
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Dr. Arvind Kumar (b. 23-03-1953), University Professor, Department of Zoology, S.K. University, Dumka has 24 years' experience as an outstanding teacher and researcher. He is a recipient of National Merit Scholarship all through his college and university years and got meritorial fellowship of CSIR, New Delhi. He has been awarded Professor W.A. Nizami Gold Medal by the Zoological Society of India in 2000during 11th annual Congress. He did his M. Sc. In Zoology in 1976 and Ph.D. in 1982 on Eco-Physiology of Aquatic Insect from Bhagalpur University. He has done pioneering work in the field of limnology, aquatic insect ecology, biodiversity, conservation and tribal ecology. Dr. Kumar has successfully guided more than 11 research scholars for Ph.D. and got more than 205 research articles and reviews published in reputed national and international journals. He has authored/ edited more than 15 books and is also on the Editorial Board of more than a dozen esteemed national and international journal. Dr Kumar is a fellow, life-member and member of number of organizations and is also working as office bearer of some of them. Dr. Kumar has charied a number of sessions of different seminars/ symposia. He was also made convener of the National Symposium organized by S.K. University in 1998. He has been invited to different Universities, such as, University of Madras, Chennai, Dr. R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad, etc. to deliver lectures' on different topics of Environmental Sciences. Presently, Dr. Kumar is the Charman of Board of Environment Impact Assessment & Ecoplanning, Jharkhand, President of Tribal Ecoconservation Society ad Secretary General of Society of Environmental Sciences. He is also the Chief Editor of Journal of Current Sciences and the Editor of Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning. Professor Kumar has visited Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy & Vienna in 2005 and China, Japan & Singapore in 2006 in order to deliver lectures during international symposia. He is a fellow, life member and member of number of organizations and is also working as office organizations and is also working as office bearer of some of them. Dr. Kumar has chaired a number of sessions of different seminars/symposia in India and abroad. He has been editing there international scientific journals at a time regularly since more than fifteen years and is Editor-in-Chief of The Ekologia , Chief Editor of Journal of Current Sciences & Editor of Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning. Dr. Kumar is also the hon'ble member, Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board, Ranchi.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR C. Chattopadhyay
Born on 06 October 1962 at Kolkata, Plant Pathologists, Ph.D. (IARI) in October 1992, joined Indian Council of Agricultural research in Nov 1992. Severed at Directorate of Oilseed research, Hyderabad till 1999 and since February 1999 at national research centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, Bharatpur. Award: pesticides India Award (India Society of Mycology Plant Pathol.) in 1996, Fellow of Plant Protection Assoc. India and fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society, several best paper Awards. Bioformulation of soil fungus Aspergillus niger strain AN 27 through IARI and ICAR granted patent by the Government on India in 2003 for the biofundicide-cum biofertilizer Kalisena Seed dressing formulation, which has also been commercialized in 1999 through M/S Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited, Ahmedabad and licensed to manufacture, sell the product in Asia, Africe and America by the IARI. Associated with national and international research projects and team efforts for formulation of farmer-friendly technologies for resource-poor oilseed growers. Member of eight professional societies, Member of Editorial Board of the Journals of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Indian Journal of Plant Protection and Sarson news; reviewers for Bio Control (Kluwer Acad. Publ.), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Indian Phytopathology, Indian Journal of Agricultural sciences Journal of oilseed research, etc. Guided two M.Sc. Ag.) and two Ph.D. theses work. Coordinated one international and tow national training programmes apart from being resource personnel for several national and international training programmes. 38 full length papers in foreign (16) and Indian (22) refereed journals, 6 short communications/notes, 1 book, 14 review papers/book chapters, three training manuals of r national /international training programmes/winter school, 1 technical bulletin, 2 popular articles.
Born on 10 January 1955 at Pahawati, Aligarh (UP). Plant Breeder, Ph.D. (GBPUAT) in 1980. Post Doctoral fellow at International Rice research Institute, Manila Philippines during 1982-84. Served the RAU Pusa, Bihar during 1981-82 and at NDUAT, Faizabad in 1985 before joining the Indian Council of Agricultural research in 1985. Served as Sr. Served as Sr. Scientists at during 1985-96 before moving to the National research centre on Rapeseed –Mustard, Bharatpur in 1996. Principal Scientist since. Awards: fellow of Indian Society of genetics and Plant Breeding. Associated with many national and international research projects and team efforts for formulation of farmer-friendly technologies for resource-poor rapeseed-mustard growers since 1996. Member of five professional societies. Coordinated three national training programmes apart from being resource personnel for several national and international training programmes. 120 scientific research articles in professional journals, 2 books, three training manuals for national/international training programmes/winter school, 3 technical bulletins, 2 popular articles. Visited Philippines, Australia, Denmark, UK.
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Sustainable Production of Oilseeds
1st ed.
616p., Tables; Figures; Index; 25cm.
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