Fungal world embodies diversified groups which colonize, multiply and survive in nature on many macro and micro-ecological niches and substrates. Fungi are eukaryotic, achlorophyllous, filamentous or unicellular living organisms which are ubiquitous and cosmopolitan in distribution. Of the estimated 1.5 million fungal species, more than 98,000 fungal species have been described. Approximately 28,000 fungal species are reported from India. The fungi play an important role in biodegradation, recycling of organic matter, pharmaceutical industries, agriculture, medicine, industry, bioremediation, waste management and other activities. In India hardly we have database but for few a books on Indian fungi, compiled from time to time by some mycologists. The present book includes 16 chapters contributed by eminent mycologists. Chapters include data on diversity, taxonomy, ecology and application of helicosporous fungi, genus Spegazzinia, rusts and smuts, chaetomiaceae, macrophomina, rhizoctonia, russula, wild edible fungi, poisonous mushrooms, insect fungi and other related aspects. This book will be very useful and a valuable addition to the existing literature on the same subject.
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Taxonomy and Ecology of Indian Fungi
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR C. Manoharachary
Professor C. Manoharachary, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Osmania), D.Sc. (Mysore), has an experience of 34 years of teaching and research. He has guided 44 Ph.D.s, published 400 research papers in national and international journals, besides authoring and editing 16 books. He has organised 12 national seminars and one international conference. He has served as Head, Department of Botany and Chairman, Board of Studies in Botany; Principal, University College of Science, and presently the Coordinator, UGC-SAP II-Botany, Osmania University; and Dean, UGC and Developmental affairs. He held the position of sectional president of Botany, Indian Science Congress; President, Indian Phytopathological Society and Vice-President, Indian Botanical Society. He has received several national and state awards including UGC Hari Om J.C. Bose Award, Birbal Sahani Medal, A.P. Scientist Award and best teacher award. He had his post-doctoral work at UK,USA, Germany and Canada.
Professor K.G. Mukerji has published over 600 research papers. He has co-authored ‘Taxonomy of Indian Myxomycetes’ (J. Cramer, Germany), ‘Plant Diseases of India’ (Research Studies Press Limited, England and John Wiley and Sons Inc., USA) and edited ‘Biocontrol of Plant Diseases’ Vols. I and II (CRC Press, USA), ‘Handbook of applied Mycology’, Vols. I-IV (Marcel and Dekkar, USA), ‘Concepts in Mycorrhizal Research’, Techniques in Mycorrhizal Studies’ (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands), ‘Advances in Botany’, ‘The Mushrooms of India-Boletaceae’, ‘Red Algae’, ‘Brown Algae’, ‘Integrated Pest and Disease Management’, ‘Glimpses in Botany’ (APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi), ‘Biology of Lichens’ (Aravali Books International, New Delhi), of Plant Pathogens’, ‘Mycorrhizal Biology’, ‘Biocontrol Potential & its Exploitation in sustainable Agriculture’ Vols. I and II (Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, USA). He is on the editorial board of several National and International Journals dealing with Botany, Mycology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology. More than 60 students have got Ph.D. in Botany under the supervision of Professor Mukerji. He is a member of numerous societies and microbial ecology. Professor Mukerji is a distinguished mycologist and microbial ecologist and he is well reputed for his research contributions all over the world.
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Taxonomy and Ecology of Indian Fungi
1st ed.
viii+294p., Tables; Figures.
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