Teachers are the most critical agents of change, responsible for growth, development and progress of societies and communities. They prepare the next generations, and the level of their commitment, devotion and dedication determines the future society. The role of teachers is changing in current times, characterised by globalisation and liberalisation and vast expansion of new information and communication technologies. It is essential that all issues critical to preparation of competent, committed and willing-to-perform teachers be examined in depth, by all stake-holders in the field of education. Teacher education has to respond to the challenges of expansion, universalisation of elementary education and overall quality of school education. Changes in policies, practices, curriculum, research areas and priorities in teacher education need to be continuously examined. The induction, training and recurrent in-service education of teachers, utilising new techniques and technologies can be a great contributing factor. Several significant aspects of teacher education have been analysed in the present volume. The contents are essentially the outcomes of interactions which the authors have had with educationists, teacher educators and teachers throughout the country. Effort has been made to highlight the need for comprehensive coverage of all aspects of teacher education that would enhance its quality and credibility.
Teacher Education in India
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Teacher Education in India
1st Ed.
x+230p., Figures; Tables; Illustrations; 23cm
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