Terrorism, Mass Media and Public Opinion

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Terrorism is by no means a new phenomenon. Every single country in the world, every civilization, has at one time or another in history suffered the cruelty, the agony of terrorism. But what is new today or what has evolved over the last three decades is a terrorism that has acquired an International dimension. This book covers the important topics such as situational Variables and causative factors as a background to motivation of terrorism. This book also deals with the problems of international conflict and means to achieve foreign policy objectives. This book examines different forms of terrorism employed by nation states in different situations. This book analysis three levels of Internal state terrorism. This book clearly shows Terrorism and Media are bound together in an inherently symbiotic relationship, each feeding off and exploiting the other for their own purposes. This book is comprehensive and well-researched. It has acquired a new dimension, colour and vigour in academic analysis and research. This book is much for scholars, students and all others interested in the study of Terrorism. In my view, the book will constitute a long-term source of reference to future students dealing with the issue.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gulam Mohammad Dar

Dr. Gulam Mohammad Dar born at Wadwan District Badgam has extensively written on Terrorism and also on Ethnic Problems of Sri-Lanka. He obtained M.Phil degree in International relations from the University of Kashmir under the supervision of Dr. Mohammad Saleem idwai. Dr. Dar has participated and presented papers in many Seminars. Dr. Dar has published many articles on National and International affairs, and has addressed many national and International Conference, Seminars and Meetings and has received any honours. Presently, he is a Senior Lecturer at Amar Singh College, Srinagar and has been teaching at under graduate level for ten years. His other works include: Terrorism and Role of Mass India, Terrorism, Mass India and Public Opinion.


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Terrorism, Mass Media and Public Opinion
1st ed.
x+118p., Tables; Bibliography; 22cm.

