Textiles and Dress of Gujarat

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The textiles and dress of Gujarat in Western India are acclaimed for their design and craftsmanship. The sophisticated weaves, dyeing techniques, intricate embroideries, vibrant motifs and embellished dress, and the communities to which many of these are unique, have all been the subjects of this extensive documentation.

Textiles and dress play a central role in the construction of a visual identity of Gujarat and its people. This book examines the social life of Gujarat’s textiles, tracing the historical journey of cloth and dress up to the present day. It looks closely at handmade fabrics, woven, dyed, painted and printed cloth, and embroidery, and locates their place in culture and trade. It also acknowledges the role of entrepreneurship in the survival of these handmade textiles.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Eiluned Edwards

Eiluned Edwards has been researching the production and consumption of textiles and dress in India for 20 years. She was a senior research fellow at the V&A/London College of Fashion from 2005 to 2009, and has recently joined Nottingham Trent University as a senior lecturer in Design and Visual Culture.


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Textiles and Dress of Gujarat
1st ed.
248p., 243 Col. Photographs, 3 Maps; Drawings; Appendix; Glossary; Bibliography.