The Art of Marketing

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Packed in this uniquely innovative book is the expertise and experience of top marketing leaders from around the world. These successful and visionary marketers from GE, Cokes, FedEx, Yahoo!, American Express, Universe, reveal the secrets of the art of marketing, getting the best marketing for the buck, the impact of the Internet and technology, etc.: How to create ties with consumers – and then stay connected with them, What is a brand – and how to build one, How to build a powerful marketing engine and the most important elements of marketing, Favourite marketing tools, including the evolving online interactive programs, data-based marketing, etc., How to create a great marketing team, What constitutes a successful marketing campaign – and how to measure its success, How to become a marketing leader, The Internet and one-on-one marketing, Golden rules of marketing, The future of marketing. From inside the minds of successful marketers, here are invaluable lessons and real-life examples for all marketers, CEOs, advertising and public relations professional and entrepreneurs. Lessons you can apply and profit from. Real-world lessons you can’t get anywhere else.


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The Art of Marketing
1st ed.