P 7.3: Survey of the Pada: A. The pada division: As stated in AP IV, p 1, under 2, the division of the text of the A into padas is rather arbitrary, but generally agrees with breaks in the topics dealt with. According to the KV, pada 7.2 ends with P 7.2.118. The discussion in the Mbh ends with P 7.2.117. This is also the end of the second ahnika in pada 7.2. Hereafter the Mbh continues with p 7.3.1. We have stated earlier (AP XI, Introduction, p. xi) that the last two rules of P 7.2 (P 7.2117 and 118) can be considered to form a transition to P 7.3, because these two rules deal with vrddhi replacements in taddhita formations. This is, in fact, the topic of P 7.3.1-31. So why haven’t P 7.2.117 and 118 been taken with P 7.3? We have no answer to that question. The only thing we know is that already in Patanjali’s days the pada division as we have it today was known. B. The main topic: The main topic is anga again, continued from P 6.4. For details see AP IX, Introduction, P in. This topic is dealt with by means of rules mainly of two types. They are substitution rules which form the great majority, and augment rules.
The Astadhyayi of Panini (Volume XII)
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The Astadhyayi of Panini (Volume XII)
1st ed.
Sahitya Akademy, 2006
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