The Basics of Jainism

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A religion is like a great river, informed by a source beyond the merely human, conveyed by great teachers in word and deed, and faithfully debated and discussed by students and worshippers over the centuries.

Here, in this concise study of the world's oldest religions, the authoress Mukhya Niyojika Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha has succeeded in conveying the essentials of Jainism, giving the reader a basic understanding of its core principles and teachings in a way that is clear and direct. History and legend, principle and precept are explained and explored, providing an excellent overview of the important subject.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha

1980 she was initiated by Acharya Tulsi as Samani Smid Pragya, one out of six Samanijis, when the Saman order was founded. During her twelve years as Samani she travelled to several Europeen countries, thereunder Germany, England, France, and the US.1992 she was ordained as Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha. She is senior disciple of Acharya Mahaprajna, working in the management of the nun's organisation, author of the wonderful book 'Journey into Jain Aagaam - Stories for the young', and cooperating with vice-chancellor of JVBI, Mrs. Sudhamahi Regunathan, on English translations of some of Acharyshree's books, i.e. "Anekanta - The Third Eye.", "Conference 'Economics of Non-violence...'- Report - Sadhvi Vishrutvibha (2006).


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The Basics of Jainism
1st ed.
159p., 22cm.