It is indeed a great feat to contain fully each extremely rich Samskrta Sloka of Bhagavadgita in a two or four-line verse in any other language. Commentators and authors in many languages have in their way tried to reach perfection. And so has this author too. He has successfully tried to present both a true and hearty Hindi Gita and an essentially English Gita as true to the texts and teaching’s as they could possibly be made and not just another couple of translations. While remaining strictly within the confines of two or four lines of verses, he has nonetheless wonderfully incorporated wherever required subtle explanations to bring out the concealed inner and real meaning. The Gita is a series of divine and sublime songs and the two renderings also had to be in sublime poetry in people’s languages to be sung in a better and more meaningful manner. We do hope that these may prove to be the best and may finally be adopted by all a standard rendering of the Gita, both in Hindi and English. It is really the Gita Divine mad more melodious and meaningful in sublime Hindi and English verses.
Bhisma Gita
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