Author has found that all hens were no alike, that some would be very good table fowl and poor layers. Others would be very good layers and poor table fowl while still other hens would be very fair table fowl and very fair layers. At this time we had all the old fashioned breeds we could get, and discarded them, all for the single comb white and brown leghorns. The author had decided that knowledge was of commercial value only when applied, and having a working knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the hen, he decided to try to turn the same to a commercial account, and in a couple of years has evolved what is now known as the Walter Hogan System, which consists of ascertaining the value of a hen for the purpose you desire, by the relative thickness of and distance apart of the pelvic bones.
The Call of the Hen or the Science of the Selection and Breeding of Poultry
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The Call of the Hen or the Science of the Selection and Breeding of Poultry
1st ed.
Asiatic Publishing House, 2006
vi+138p., Figures
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