"Sherab Dongbu", the tree of wisdom is the commentary of manners or moral maxim having 260 verses composed by Saint Nagarjuna (Goenpo Ludrub) in 100 BC. The original text was in Sanskrit known as "Prajna Danda" which was translated into Chhoekay (classical language) in the 11 century AD and included in the Tenjur (commentarial canon) in section "DO", volume "GO" beginning at 165 leaf. It is incredible that the Chhoekay version has been incorporated in the Tenjur because the original text in Sanskrit is no longer available and it is not known how the text was lost. The present publication duly compiled with transliteration is a humble attempt to show the relevance of the 1 century B.C. philosophy of Saint Nagarjuna to the urgent need of moral lessons in the turning point of the 21 century and inculcate moral lessons in the minds of young Bhutanese students for appreciation of cultural value. Things embedded in the minds of young children will have a greater impact on their lives and remain permanent impression through their lives.
The Commentary of Manners Called the Tree of Wisdom: Composed by Saint Nagarjuna
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The Commentary of Manners Called the Tree of Wisdom: Composed by Saint Nagarjuna
1st Ed.
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