The Fallen Leaves: A Love Story

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The Fallen Leaves is a story of two men who were great friends in their early lives and meet by chance after a long time in the autumn of their lives. The memory of that intimacy when they talked about life and world in the threshold of their lives, when they scarcely had an y experience of either, draws them together to meet and spend an evening. The story is set in India 1960s. though they both are Indians, their lives have been completely different. Amol has led a dynamic life traveling and working round the world in a very successful career. His friend has had a more conventional and quiet life but enriched with intellect and introspection. Amol has many stories to tell from his colourful life. But he has had little time for introspectuion and analysis of those experiences. Now as he relates them in conversation to an intent listener he thinks about them and analyses with a deep intellect and learning that had never been turned inwards. In the process they reinvent the intellectual rapport and intimacy they shared in their early lives and progressively discuss the deeper issues of life.


Saibal Gupta (born in 1937) is a doctor of medicine. In addition to his studies in medicine, he has had life long attachment to the study of history, philosophy, physical sciences, biological sciences and human culture in general. In his later years, he started writing on these subjects in an interactive manner showing basic unity of human thought and culture, analysing both the past and the present on the background of unity of human intellect and human psychology. He has published a book and several articles in Bengali in different journals. He then switched over to English and published many articles in journals or repute. This is his first novel in English.


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The Fallen Leaves: A Love Story
1st ed.
156p., 23cm.