Any person turning at a certain moment essentially stands in the midst of his life, at a point when he has lived a good part of it and the remaining one is before him to be lived. His inside is crowed with numberless sweet and bitter memories (of others’ and of his own actions and of their impacts), ideas, dreams, craving etc. and a field of action lies sprawling before him. The question arises: could one bypass or overpass his crowded inside and his psychic bends ad curves to go in search of spiritual achievements? Could he, at all, write off or sever this concrete part of his self from his spiritual self? Could man stop this part of his self from coming alive even when he has reached the pinnacle of his spiritual attainment? Is happiness or bliss something isolated from living? Perhaps, no part of the whole self can be dropped for good and any attempt at that has invariably proved counterproductive. Bliss cannot be isolated from living, as God cannot be isolated from his creation. Man has been given this life to live it and not to run away from it.
The Inner Self
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The Inner Self
1st ed.
xii+252p., 23cm.
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