The forts of India are our priceless heritage. Unfortunately, a very large number of them are in ruins and many more are fast disappearing from the face of the earth. These forts must, therefore, be preserved, both physically and in print. While the first task can only be undertaken by the Government and other large organisations, the second is primarily the responsibility of the historian. The forts situated along the coast of India deserve a special mention. They saw the rise and fall of the Portuguese, the French and the Dutch powers and, finally, the rise and fulfillment of the British Power in India. Yet, they have not been adequately catalogue and described. Their role in matters military and political has not been fully analysed. And their true worth has not been clearly established. In any case there is no single volume which would give all available information about these forts. In this book the author has attempted to fill this gap. After giving a geographical portrait of the Indian coastline, the book describes, under standard format, the 151 forts that the author has been able to definitely identify. Next, their importance to the various powers-Indian rulers, the Portuguese, the French, the Dutch and the British, has been analysed. Finally, the impact of these forts in the military field has been assessed. The appendices cover some allied topics such as the climate of history of the period, some thoughts on the restoration, preservation and utilisation of these forts and a note a shipping. Two new concepts add to the value of the book. The first is the financial classification of the forts. Till now the forts were categorised on the basis of topographical features into land forts, sea forts, and hill forts. Now a classification into main forts, forts, secondary forts and fortified outposts has been introduced and this places them in a correct functional perspective. The second concept is the distinction made between Maritime Forts and Coastal Forts. Their nature differed. The two looked in different directions. Not all coastal forts were "maritime" in their role.
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