The problem confronting most housewives today, is not how to cook, but what to cook, what to cook when, and with what. This book provides combinations of recipes, to prepare good, wholesome menus. This book provides combinations of recipes, to prepare good wholesome menus. The author has put before the readers, a large variety of menus for all occasions. There are menus to suit different climates, seasons and tastes, informal get-together parties and gala parties. There are some ideas for High-Tea parties, Stag parties, Hen’s parties and Children’s parties. There are some people in some parts of India, who do not eat garlic and onions. There are some menus for such people. Some people observe fasts and eat special food on such days. There are ideas for such meals. There are suggestions for lunchbox meals which are becoming a part of life in cities and finally, there are some cocktail recipes. The author has avoided including items very commonly offered in hotels and restaurants and instead concentrated on lesser known, more wholesome and less spicy recipes, which have an informal, homely touch about them. Most of the recipes are simple to make, and not too elaborate and all of them have been tried by the author.
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The Menu Book
1st ed.
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