The Rural Urban Dynamics and Land Use Pattern

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The broad objective of this book is to present an overview of economic analyses of rural urban land-use change and the consequent conflicts and the possible solutions. During the past decade, land use has been an active research area for economists. The book is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 offers an introduction to economic perspectives of rural urban land-use change and provides relevant background information on land-use trends. Chapter 2 gives a brief sketch of historical profile of rural urban dynamics and land use change in many countries. Chapter 3 offers various aspects of legal and administrative issues behind the land use changes. Chapter 4 deals with rural urban dynamics from a theoretical as well as empirical view point and explains how the linkage between both sectors can be promoted. Chapter 5 discusses the important issues of sustainable land use and management and the integrated approach offered by FAO. Chapter six focuses on past and recent trends of land use dynamics in Kerala, which is noted for unique urbanization trend in India. Chapter 7 concentrates on the tracing out of the complexities of urbanization process of a rural area and the socio-economic consequences through a case study method. Chapter 8 discusses how future policies and perspectives are to be framed for sustainable land use and management.


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The Rural Urban Dynamics and Land Use Pattern
1st ed.
xviii+302p., Tables; Figures.