This book tries to answer these questions, the vital ones of life that come up in all of us as developed human beings. The Secret of Action, the Karma Yoga throws light on these aspects of life. This path of Yoga transforms the work arena into the region of growth. In the first chapter ‘ the inevitability of action’ is presented. The second ‘towards action’, describes the ways to shatter the laziness. The third describes "the how of action" as the key to understanding the intricacies of action. The forth chapter talks about the normally accepted good actions or selfless actions as the very basis of all religions and their limitations. The fifth tries to fathom the spirit of Yajnas-technology of Vedas’. Next the conflicts among such intelligent persons who start questioning the very definition of good and bad, the meaning and purpose of life are presented, The seventh chapter unveils the first secret of action and non-action. The eighth talks about the second secret, purification to bring about the secret 3 and 4 involving higher dimensions of Karma yoga. While the 9th and 10th describe higher deals with conflict resolutions based on this total knowledge-base. And the last chapter presents a summary of the secret of action and a brief outline of the dimensions of the secret of action.
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