The Transcendent Unity of Religions

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Is there a aTranscendent Unity: underlying the great religionsof mankind? Does not every true religion start from an historicrevelation which holds the key to its subsequent development?Is humanity divided into a number of aworlds:, each with itsappropriate religious tradition? On questions such as these, thisnow classic work by one of the greatest metaphysicians of the20th century, throws clear light on every page. Concerning thisbook T.S. Eliot wrote aI have met with no more impressivework, in the study of Oriental and Occidental Religion, thanThe Transcendent Unity of Religions:. The writings of FrithjofSchuon, which began with this monumental work, posses thegift of reaching the very core of the subject, of going beyondforms and showing that God is the center; all paths lead to him.Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998) is widely acknowledged as amost important representative of the philosophia perennis in the20th c. and a towering figure in the field of comparative religion.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Frithjof Schuon

Frithjof Schoun is the author of, among other books, Sufism: Veil and Quintessence, Christianity / Islam, Light on the Ancient Worlds, Echoes of Perennial Wisdom and From the divine to the Human.


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The Transcendent Unity of Religions
1st ed.