Of late there has been some movements at official level for regional (SAARC) and sub-regional cooperation (SAGQ) and Bangladesh has been taking active interest in all these. Bangladeshi scholars are in the forefront of sub-regional economic cooperation among Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and the eastern states of India. Research works done mostly by the Bangladeshi scholars on sub-regional economic cooperation are presented in this volume. The studies deal with the prospects and problems of sub-regional economic cooperation, and facilitation of trade and transport for promoting greater economic integration within the sub-region. An empirical study in selected areas on informal trade between Bangladesh and India included here give an idea how serious a problem it is for Bangladesh economy and also for sub-regional economic cooperation. Findings of industrial case studies on pharmaceuticals, silk, molasses and vegetable oil presented in this book gives a picture of the prospects of these industries and also guide industrialists and entrepreneurs to look for export diversification. A critical economic problem of trade imbalances between India and Bangladesh and how it can be resolved have been discussed in some detail in the book and guidelines for further action are suggested. The book should be of particular interest to policy makers, multinational and multilateral organizations, private entrepreneurs and scholars interested in economic development through cooperation in South Asia.
Governance, Development and Political Realism: Structural Issues and Policy Perspectives
Descriptive, analytical as ...
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