The services and manufacturing sectors were the key drivers of India’s recent impressive growth performance, with major contribution from growing domestic demand. Consequently, issues pertaining to the role of trade and private sector in sustaining growth momentum and facilitating infrastructure development in India have come to the forefront. This volume deals with critical issues concerning trade policy, industrial performance, and private sector development in India. It discusses the infrastructure bottlenecks that have constrained high growth in manufacturing and in the services sector and highlights that inadequate infrastructure impedes growth of exports and that the public sector alone cannot meet investment requirements. Hence, there is an urgent need to provide an enabling environment to promote the private sector. The volume also addresses urgent issues constraining manufacturing growth and exports. These include the role of small scale sectors in supporting growth and exports and non-tariff barriers in India’s export destinations. Finally, it underlines the ongoing debate to understand the link between trade and income distribution. This is an important issue in India because the Eleventh Five Year Plan emphasizes not just high growth but inclusive growth. The book will be a useful reference for policymakers. It will also help students and researchers of trade and development economics in identifying and analyzing key issues in this area.
Trade Policy, Industrial Performance, and Private Sector Development in India
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Trade Policy, Industrial Performance, and Private Sector Development in India
1st ed.
Oxford University Press, 2008
xx+326p., Figure
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