Economic Planning since First Five Year Plan, recommended that a positive policy of assisting the tribals should be formulated in order to develop their natural resources and evolve a productive life which can prevent exploitation by more organised economic forces. In the Second Plan it was emphasised that all welfare programmes should be made in the context of tribal culture after reviewing their psychological and economic problems. In the Third Plan, it was accepted in principle that in facilitating the development of agriculture, communication, health and education services, the tribal people should be able to develop their own traditional wits and culture without pressure or imposition from outside. Under the Fourth Plan Six Pilot Projects for tribal development known as tribal development agencies were taken up in central sector. The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Plans saw the emergence of the tribal development strategy in the country on a massive scale. The tribal sub-plan envisaged pooling of all available fiscal and personal resources. The Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Plans emphasise a total integrated effort for all round tribal development. This book studies in depth the massive efforts that have been made for the socio-economic development of the tribal people by the government through organised economic planning. For future planning for tribal development, the study of the past endeavours seems to be essential. This aspect has been kept in view while preparing this book.
Tribal Life in India: Tribal Development and Planning (Volume 9)
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Tribal Life in India: Tribal Development and Planning (Volume 9)
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