This is a story of a mother’s grief, with the sudden death of a son, which voyaged from overwhelming sorrow, shock and anguished fear-through her eyes, the world appeared sullen and forbidding, shrouded in darkness. It was as though a door had closed and there was no desire on her part to seek an escape from the release of depression and futility that had oppressed her. Slowly, a gradual transcendence emerged guiding her to a reluctant acceptance of tragedy. A mystical encounter provided a ray of light, a window opened, hope arose, encouraging her to grasp the grief and deviate it to a more purposeful direction. The conglomeration within her of pain, anger, guilt and rebellion formed stumbling blocks and obstruction in the process of healing on a rough, arduous path, but with unforeseen and unexpected direction, the surface slowly eased towards an inner growth of peace and stillness. The wandering revealed a turbulence of emotions involving personal experiences. This is a search for survival and compassion with an expectancy and aspiration for the sensitivity of human understanding and yet, a final, silent, grateful acceptance of the stark reality of truth and the singular responsibility of the individual herself. It is a revealing tale, of a difficult journey, deeply personal, but which in a way concerns all of us—a story of death and life; the joys and pain of being alive while searching and comprehending the meaning of life and finally, the acceptance of the tragedy of youthful death and most important, discovering a glint of joy and purpose of living again with the motivation of optimistic survival. The tragedy of the disaster of September 11, and its repercussion is a constant reminder of the death of the young and innocent who leave this world with an incompleteness of purpose. The anguish and heartache is even greater for those left behind to face the stark reality that sorrow will be prevalent for a lifetime. It is not possible to forget, and there is no reason to forget—the loved ones will always remain with us in thought and memory. Acceptance will come with a struggle and with it a growing compassion and sensitivity combined with gratitude for life in spite of what appears at the moment to be futile and unfair.
The Man of Destiny: A Novel Based on the Life of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, ...
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