Understanding Reforms: Post 1991 India

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Understanding Reforms traces the remarkable transformation of India from a slow growing economy to one of the fastest growing in the world. Reviewing the background, context, timing, and persistence of economic reforms since July 1991 it describes in fascination detail the results achieved in the last fifteen years despite formidable hurdles. Discussing the events that led to a crisis situation in which reforms were initiated, the book describes how they were sustained in a low-income democracy with large diversities; how they successfully survived the emergence of several coalition governments at the Centre and the increasing regionalization of Indian politics. Overcoming the still widely prevalent hold of economic nationalism and Nehruvian socialism, the reforms continued through the last fifteen years despite the reforming leadership being in a political minority. The reforms unleashed India’s latent entrepreneurship through increasingly liberalized competitive markets and by enabling faster and sustainable economic growth. This contributed to improving living standards and reducing abject poverty. This textured review of the reforms process will interest all Indians who have experienced it as well as scholars, analysts, policymakers, and others who want to understand today’s India.


T.A. Bhavani is Associate Professor, Institute of economic Growth, Delhi, India. She did her M.Phil and Ph.D. in Economics from Delhi school of economics, Delhi. She was a Ford Foundation Post-Dfoctoral Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA during 1992-93. One of her papers that constitute a part of this book has won GDN (Global Development Network) research medal in 2003. She has worked extensively on the issues related to Indian Small Scale Industries. Some of her studies involved collaborations with international institutions such as Hitotsubashi University, Japan and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and are sponsored by Japanese Science Research Fund, IDPAD Netherlands and GDN. Currently, she is working in the areas of political economy and institutional aspects of the Indian economic performance and economic reforms.


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Understanding Reforms: Post 1991 India
1st ed.
xii+206p., Tables; Figures.