Use of Computers and Multimedia in Education

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In India, the use of computers in schools for educational purposes began very late. Nowadays, we find every good school is equipped with computers for educating children. Teachers and students can use computers in many ways, for teaching the use of computers, assessing various data banks, viewing films, listening to music and browsing the Internet. But it is the compact disc revolution which has influenced the use of computers in schools in a big way. Various films on natural life/wildlife, geography, history, science and encyclopaedias are available with brilliant pictures and sounds and commentaries on CDs. In this book, a detailed study has been made on the use of computers and multimedia in education. Section I has three chapters: forerunners to computers in education, CD-ROM Compact Disc – Read Only Memory and current uses of computers in education. The general use of computers and multimedia has also been described. Section II has five chapters: interactive multimedia development, educational considerations, a model for IMM production, multimedia development, evaluation and implementation. A brief model of interactive multimedia programme production and its evaluation and implementation has also been presented. As is evident, these chapters broaden the use of computers and multimedia in educating children in a big way. This book has been prepared keeping in mind the needs and requirements of teachers, educators, educational administrators and students using computers and multimedia as tools for learning. It is hoped that this book will fill a lacuna in this field.


T.M. Srinivasan, B.Ed., MCSA, is working as Senior Consultant in a software development company in Bangalore. He has been a brilliant student in his academic career, a topper all along, and the recipient of a number of prestigious academic honours and scholarships. He is on the Board of Directors of leading organisations and is a member of various professional organisations. He is keenly interested in the disseminationo f knowledge, especially about new developments in Information Technology and their application in education and teaching. He is a prolific writer and has published a number of papers on Information Technology and Computers in variuos journals of national and international repute. His earlier books Information and Communication Technology teaching Skills and Use of Computers and Multimedia in Education were well received.


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Use of Computers and Multimedia in Education
1st Ed.
viii+200p., Figures; Tables; Illustrations; 23cm