Whom to Tell My Tale: An Autobiography

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Nominated as a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in 1997 and earlier honored with the Padma Bhushan by the President of India, and recipient of several literary awards over the years, including felicitation by the World Punjabi Conference 2000 A.D., as Punjabi Writer of the Millennium with ‘Purse’, Kartar Singh Duggal has made an immense contribution to Indian literature. His checkered career in the broadcasting field and as an upcoming litterateur makes an interesting story.  In his autobiography here, he pours his pain and pleasure while caught in the midst of the communal divide of the 1940s, leading to the Partition of India. Beautifully recapturing the resonances of the past in a succinct yet objective manner, this book is the account of a man of faith who successfully tides over various crises in his life.


Kartar singh (K.S.) Duggal, born in 1917, begin wiriting while still a student. He is an author of repute in Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi, and English. His works have been translated into many other languages, and are used in literature classes in a larger number of colleges and universities throughout the world. His published works include twenty-one collections of short stories, seven novels, seven plays, and two collections of poetry. He has received numerous awards and prizes for his writing, including the Ghalib Award for Urdu Dhama (1976), the Soviet Land Nehru Award (1981), the Fellowship of the Punjabi Sahitya Academy (1983), and the Bhartya Bhasha Parishad Award (1985). His short story, “Come Back My Master” is included in the Greatest Short Stories of the World. He was recognized by both the Punjabi government (1962) and the Delhi Administration (1976) as a distinquished man-of-letters and awarded a “Robe of Honour.” His collection of short stories, ik Cbbit Chanam Di, won the Sahita Academi award in 1965. Mr. Duggal also served as Director of the All-India Radio from 1942 to 1966, as Director of the National Book Trust form 1966-1973, and was an Advisor (Information) to the Planning Commission from 1973 to 1976. He has worked to encourage and promote literature and the arts throughout his life. He also served as a columnist for The Indian Express. The Tribune, and The Indian Book Industry, as a commentator or books, author, radio, and television programs and the contemporary publishing scene in India.


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Bibliographic information

Whom to Tell My Tale: An Autobiography
1st ed.