The old stereotype of the cold-blooded salesman closing in for the kill, mesmerizing his customers with a series of carefully rehearsed techniques is still current. Yet nobody has come up with an effective alternative approach to the well-worn ‘techniques’ that have plagued the selling profession for decades, until now… Pat Weymes shows that there is a better way, one in which nobody-customer, salesperson or sales manager emerges as loser. Win-Win Sales Management demonstrates this new approach, which is based on creating a series of mutually beneficial relationships between all the parties involved, matching the needs of the customer with the company’s products or services. Pat places the role of the sales manager firmly at the center of this scheme, emphasizing their importance in creating and sustaining motivation for themselves and their sales force. It is a challenge for every sales manager to keep their team motivated, to continually bring out the best in each individual salesperson and, of course, to make sure that profitable sales come through at the end of the day. The book extends the win-win principle in its discussion of recruitment, contracts of employment, work review and coaching, running sales meetings and giving presentations, customer care, and setting and achieving sales targets. This powerful new approach to sales management will be essential reading for any sales manager who needs to boost their confidence, motivate their team, and increase their profits.
Marketing Strategies on the Indian Gold Ornament Market: An Empirical Approach
This book seeks to find out ...
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