Women and Employment in India

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"The book is an insight into the women’s world of work. It puts together all the known data from the national accounts to weave a whole tapestry that tells us her story. The slogging hours that go unpaid are technically non-work and ignored by the national accounts. The new efforts made to capture women’s work in the census of India is a unique venture worthy of special notice. The data is interpreted to paint the picture of women’s work in different sectors, shifts in occupation, impacts of culture and technology on women’s work and the critical issues relating to women’s employment. The book highlights the concentration of women’s employment in certain occupation divisions, the difficulties in climbing up the organisational ladder, the vulnerability of women workers to changing industry and trade scenarios and lately the fears of the new economic policy and impacts of structural adjustment that are hitherto unknown."


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Women and Employment in India
1st. ed.
251., Illustrations; Appendices; BIbliography; 23cm.