"India, as a multi-levelled society, is riven by caste inequalities, regional disparities and a cultural diversity that draws sustenance from any point of time in a 5000-years-old past. The constitution of India guarantees gender equality and justice in the preamble itself and in specific articles with emphasis on equality of women before law, prohibition of discrimination on ground of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth or any of them and equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. The papers, articles, essays, reviews and excerpts brought together in the present publication attempts to provide a set of readings as well as points of discussion for students and scholars of gender studies, with particular emphasis on women’s empowerment and the goal of equal opportunity. The collection is drawn from both published and unpublished sources and represents a wide range of subjects of determinal value. It is hoped that the publication will fill a void in contemporary literature in the area of women’s development."
Enforcement of Copyright Law in India and Judicial Response: A Critique
This book examines the ...
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